We Are The Experts in Home Safety
Work with an experienced home safety expert in Charlotte, NC
Our consultants will provide a comprehensive evaluation of the home, the set up in the home and the clients ability to move and function within it. We will evaluate fall risk using standardized tests such as the Berg Balance Scale. We are also able to screen for nutrition issues as well as medication management and driving safety. We provide detailed evaluation of cognition using the well-established Allen Tool which provides a functional approach to individuals with cognitive deficits. This assessment allows us to provide a road map for caregivers on what areas a client may need help with on a regular basis, as well as pointers on how to provide that level of care.
Gaitway of Charlotte, can help with that. Our consultants are Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS). They'll show you how you can enjoy your golden years in the comfort of your own home in the Queen City region.

What is "Aging in Place"?
The Centers for Disease Control define "Aging in Place" as the ability to live in one's own home and community safely independently and comfortably rate regardless of age, income, or ability level.
Universal Design refers to a broad spectrum of ideas meant to produce buildings, parks and environments that are inherently successful to older people, people without disabilities and people with disabilities.
This consultation focuses on the environment you live in and takes into consideration what changes need to be made in order for you to live at home just as long as you want to. We consider all aspects of a "day in the life of" the client as well as family members who occupy or visit the home routinely. Frequent recommendations will be the installation of grab bars, rails and ramps. More complex solutions may include bathroom renovations and installation of stair lifts or making a home completely wheelchair accessible. This consultation can be added to a safety evaluation when needed.
New Home Construction in Charlotte, NC
Allow us to make a huge impact in the design phase that will allow you to remain in your home longer with a few simple considerations for a minor impact on your overall budget. Consider making doors wider, showers bigger, etc - we can help you think of designs to help you throughout your retirement. We offer choices for you when you are not able to look after yourself. We consider a variety of innovative solutions to fit your needs within your budget. We are happy to work with your designer and contractor on installation and recommendations designed just for you! Pricing depends on the square footage of your new home.
Contact the Certified Aging in Place specialists in Charlotte, NC. Call 1-833-GAITWAY to schedule a consultation with Gaitway of Charlotte.
Gaitway of Charlotte LLC
Charlotte, NC 28270
Call Us
Phone: 1-833-GAITWAY
Mon: 9am-5pm
Tue: 9am-5pm
Wed: 9am-5pm
Thu: 9am-5pm
Fri: 9am-5pm (Evenings & Weekend by Appointment)
Sat: by appointment
Sun: by appointment
Public holidays by appointment.
Willing to travel outside of Charlotte on a case by case basis. Please call for more details